Message from the CEO
Distribution is key for a company’s products/services to reach its clients at the RIGHT TIME, RIGHT PLACE, RIGHT PRICE and RIGHT CONDITION.
ABest Express as a 24 year old distribution company aims “to be useful” so clients can focus on their core business with ease.
To be effective, a distribution Company like ABest Express invests in:
- Quality labor force; and
- Infrastructures such as networks, vehicles, systems, etc.
The priority between these two is quality labor force. Building this requires hardwork, discipline and persistence until RESULTS are achieved.
We always address challenges with a “burning desire” to OUTPERFORM OURSELVES. ABest is obsessed with becoming better each day. Simple acts of daily improvements compounds to greatness in time.
ABest encourages employees to think of NEW and BETTER WAYS of doing things. With this progressive mindset, ABest employees creates “the ABest brand”. Quality service of employees is the best source of advertisement for ABest.
To assure quality service, ABest cultivates a CULTURE (uniform way of doing and thinking for success) for ABest employees which centers on four (4) pillars:
- Purpose fuels my success;
- Success starts with me;
- Success requires success habits;
- Sharing success is living with significance
ABest believes success becomes a blessing only if it is shared. It influences employees to contribute and add meaning to self, loved ones, community, country and the universe.
ABest is obsessed with becoming better each day. Simple acts of daily improvements compounds to greatness in time. — Teresa Gutierrez, ABest Express CEO
ABest’s greatest challenge is how to break habits of shippers used to the competitors “familiar brand”. ABest’s exposure for the past two (2) decades has been limited to multinational, leading local banks and corporate accounts. It is not well known in the retail market. It intends to address this challenge by combining quality service with affordable rates by positioning itself as the “AFFORDABLE ALTERNATIVE”. ABest completes customer needs.
ABest intends to be visible, reachable to more clients in the provinces by expanding existing over 90 counters and counting to additional major cities of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.
As a distribution company, ABest is expected to move clients, products from origin to destination.
In the course of moving it, ABest’s fulfillment comes from the realization that it delivers “SIGNIFICANCE” by adding value to clients and helping them build their dreams.
CEO, ABest Express